Cymatics and Motion

Cymatics is the name given by physician Hans Jenny to his study of how vibrations in fluids and particles affects form. To anyone who has never seen Jenny photographs or videos, it is impossible to imagine the delight and amazement at how very simple sound vibrations can cause such complex structures to form in previously amorphous materials.
Cymatics can teach us much about understanding the formation of structure in the Universe at all scales from atomic and cellular through all living things to planetary and galactic.

In modern times, Chladni first demonstrated that vibration could affect form but Jenny made an even more through investigation, including the beneficial uses of vibration to speed recovery. Dr Guy Manners worked with Jenny and continued his studies in the area of health. In a seperate development, the discovery of “oscillons” more recently showed that we have only partly explored the possibilities of vibration and form.
When seeing cymatics in action, words such as in the beginning was the word acquire new and potent meaning and help to bring together religious, spiritual and scientific comprehension.
See also the Wave Structure of Matter which includes computer animations of possible wave structures that might explain how matter works.
Cymatics – A Study of Wave Phenomena by Hans Jenny includes some articles and how to get more material on Jenny and Cymatics.
The following picture and analysis of mutually supporting wave fronts are from the Cymatics page of Ray Tomes Cycles in the Universe and Harmonics Theory.